How the Bog Oak Double Leaf Coffee Table was made

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Coffee Table Design Considerations

The double leaf coffee table made of bog oak – as seen on my portfolio page – was designed and made as a bespoke project for clients in Bristol.  I visited them to discuss what they wanted and took around an example of a small leaf shaped coffee table that they liked the look of.  It became clear that they were keen to have a large, statement coffee table in their lounge, but also liked the convenience of two smaller tables which could be easily moved to where people were sitting.  

Using the small leaf table as a basis for design, I came up with a twin leaf version.  This design is perfect as a statement piece in a large area, providing a real ‘wow’ factor.  But it’s also versatile and can be used as two separate tables.

I produced a simple 3D sketch of the double leaf design and made a short video, to help my clients envisage what it would look like.  I also made a full-sized template of the top, so that they could see how it would fit into their lounge.  This helped them to proceed with the design, confident that they understood what the final piece would look like.

Choice of Wood

Once the double leaf design was confirmed, there was also the type of wood to be considered.  In assessing what type of wood to suggest I considered the existing decor of the clients’ lounge and their preferences in wood colour and type.  There were a couple of good options to tie in with existing wood and colours, but what seemed by far the most appropriate was Bog Oak.  

The texture of Bog Oak matches existing Oak in the room and the dark, rich and varied colour, complements the colours around the room.  The only snag being that Bog Oak is not readily available so there can be a time delay in procuring it.  It is also quite expensive, in comparison to Walnut or regular Oak.  

However, having shown the client a couple of samples of Bog Oak and some pictures of it used in other pieces of furniture, they decided to go with the Bog Oak.  I was delighted as I believe it is a particularly beautiful wood and I love working with it!

How it was made

Once the double leaf design was agreed with the clients, all that remained was for me to make to source the Bog Oak and make the table!  The video below shows the making process and the final piece.

If this has whetted your appetite and you’d like to know more about Bog Oak, why not check out my other post, Bog Oak Furniture – find out all about it

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